John Boehner B-Slaps Henry Waxman

Henry Waxman dumped a 300 page addition to the Cap and Tax bill at 3:00 AM the morning of the vote. John Boehner  wasn’t going to take it lying down. Here’s the second video in the series. I picked this one so you can see the rat faced weasel, Henry Waxman, try to stop Boehner from reading what is in the amendment.(6:40 in) The whole thing can be seen at NewsBusters.

2 Responses

  1. […] to : Voting Female, A1A South, Bob’s Bites, Conservative Hideout, Michelle Malkin, LGF2.0, Beagle Scout, Dr. Bulldog, Dr. Dave, Hatless in […]

  2. Imagine this “President Boehner”. If I could snap my fingers and make that happen the Dow would hit 15K about an hour later. In fact, for the first time in history… I can’t say it, but YOU can think it.

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