Global Warming Cult Caught Lying…Again

File this under Dog Bites Man. All signs are pointing to a coming ice age, so what do the cult members do when faced with facts they don’t like? They cook the books. Again.


Remember those stories last week about the Antarctic warming and all the ice melting? Those were lies.

H/T Skeptics Global Warming

Another example last week was the much-publicised claim, contradicting all previous evidence, that Antarctica, the world’s coldest continent, is in fact warming up, Antarctica has long been a major embarrassment to the warmists. Al Gore and co may have wanted to scare us that the continent which contains 90 per cent of all the ice on the planet is heating up, because that would be the source of all the meltwater which they claim will raise sea levels by 20 feet.

But then a good many experts began to examine just what new evidence had been used to justify this dramatic finding. It turned out that it was produced by a computer model based on combining the satellite evidence since 1979 with temperature readings from surface weather stations.

The problem with Antarctica, though, is that has so few weather stations. So what the computer had been programmed to do, by a formula not yet revealed, was to estimate the data those missing weather stations would have come up with if they had existed. In other words, while confirming that the satellite data have indeed shown the Antarctic as cooling since 1979, the study relied ultimately on pure guesswork, to show that in the past 50 years the continent has warmed – by just one degree Fahrenheit.

And was it just an honest mistake? I think not….

But it was also noticed that among the members of Steig’s team was Michael Mann, author of the “hockey stick”, the most celebrated of all attempts by the warmists to rewrite the scientific evidence to promote their cause. The greatest of all embarrassments for the believers in man-made global warming was the well-established fact that the world was significantly warmer in the Middle Ages than it is now. “We must get rid of the Mediaeval Warm Period,” as one contributor to the IPCC famously said in an unguarded moment. It was Dr Mann who duly obliged by getting his computer-model to produce a graph shaped like hockey stick, eliminating the mediaeval warming and showing recent temperatures curving up to an unprecedented high.

Read it all

4 Responses

  1. I understand what you are saying and I agree with you. The climate is changing and there is nothing that we can do about it.

  2. That long nose on that picture of Gore is a little orange. Sort of makes him look like a snowman with a carrot for a nose. I like the symbolism and irony!

  3. Never thought of it that way. That is fitting.

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