You May Not Be Welcome

 I see there is a discussion elsewhere about what it takes to be welcome in Big Bend. I’ve been here awhile and I have some opinions.
1. If you came to a logging town and want to hug trees, you may not be welcome.
2. If you come to a hydro-electric producing town and then bitch about how the river is managed, you may not be welcome.
3. If you came here to grow pot for a living, you may not be welcome.
4. If your “house” is a movable vehicle that no longer can go down the road and/or you are squatting on someone else’s property, you may not be welcome.
5. If you are not hooked up to a septic system, you are not welcome.
6. If you come here to live off the land and think a dip in a hot spring once or twice a month is a bath, you may not be welcome.
7. If you come here and let your dogs run unleashed and disrespect the people of this town who tell you to get off their property or contain your dog, you may not be welcome.
8. If you are a tweaking, heroin shooting, huffer, acid dropping piece of shit, you are NOT welcome.
9. If you came here to manicure the weed, only the people that hired you want you here.
10. If you came here to buy up this town and turn it into your personal playground, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!
*** If you don’t like the tree hugging part, you are not welcome, Trees are the most renewable resource on this planet. Deal with it.***
And if anyone agrees with me, feel free to share this, or add to the list in the comments.

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