More Polar Bear Lies From The Cult

Listen to the Polar Bear

More recycled lies from the Global Warming Cult, trotted out just as the Dopenhagen party gets going.

The images, taken in Hudson Bay, Canada, around 200 miles north of the town of Churchill, Manitoba, show a male polar bear carrying the bloodied head of a polar bear cub it has killed for food.

Polar bears usually subsist on seals, which they hunt from a platform of sea ice. But the melting of sea ice as a result of rising global temperatures has made it more difficult for polar bears to hunt seals at sea, confining the bears to land.

This has led to malnourishment and starvation as polar bears are unable to build sufficient fat reserves for winter.

Drowning is also more common as bears are forced to swim further out to sea to find food.

The images add to the evidence that polar bears are increasingly hunting each other for food in their desperation to survive.

Manitoba Conservation normally receive one to two reports of bear cannibalisation annually, but scientists say they are aware of eight cases so far this year.

Last month tourists on a guided tour of the area were reported to be distressed after witnessing a male bear eating a cub.

The release of the images comes as world leaders gather in Copenhagen for the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

First of all, male polar bears will eat their young if given half a chance, so stop getting the vapors over three pictures. And that is the second point, this whole article is based on three pictures of a polar bear being a polar bear. (see link at bottom)

Some other points: The polar bear population is growing, not declining. Arctic ice is growing, not melting. It’s cooling, not warming. Polar bears have been known to swim non stop for a hundred miles without drowning. Eight sightings this year compared to an “average” of two per year is due to more polar bears, more tourists, taking more pictures, and getting more distressed. Get over it, it’s nature, and supposedly that is what you went out there to see.


3 Responses

  1. They apparently think that lion males that take over a pride kill and eat THOSE cubs due to global warming, too.

    Buncha dumbasses.

  2. The save the earth people have no clue how nature even works. It’s like the clueless asses that make rules for truck drivers that have never driven a truck.

  3. Heh. Tell me about it. A student confined to a wheelchair has been assigned to our tiny classroom. The people doing the assigning have never actually been inside our classroom and do not know (or care) that there is no room for a wheelchair to navigate through the classroom. Then there’s the little fact that our classroom of (extremely) violent students may not be the best place for a helpless person confined to a wheelchair. Oh, sure, when various administration has toured the classroom, the students have been mostly on task and cooperative, but we get bitten, kicked, pinched, scratched, and head butted daily.

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